Car Accessories

Best Fuel Stabilizers of September 2023

Fuel Stabilizers: There are numerous vital procedures to preserve the health of your internal combustion engine-powered equipment or vehicle if it spends more time idle than in operation. The complex makeup of gasoline and diesel causes them to deteriorate over time. When this occurs, their ruins may wreak havoc in various ways. Fortunately, pour-in gasoline stabilizer additives are available to help conserve fuels and stop this mayhem.

This wasn’t as much of an issue when gasoline had radically different formulas. But nowadays, at least 10% of gas is ethanol, which may make the fuel more flammable and prone to degradation over time. Due to its hygroscopic properties, ethanol may absorb water from damp air. In contrast, or hydrophobic, gasoline is hydrophobic alone.

If your gas tank collects more than 500 parts per million of water in the gasoline from ambient moisture, difficulties may result from these incompatible qualities. Phase separation is the process through which the water joins the ethanol and descends to the bottom. In the end, you don’t want that mixture of ethanol and water to enter your engine since it may result in various issues, including no-start situations and, worse still, internal corrosion within the machine and vital fuel system components.

Fuel stabilizers are available as pour-in additives to reduce the unwelcome oxidation of gasoline. They are primarily made of petroleum and include a blend of lubricants, antioxidants, and antioxidants intended to bind to gasoline, repel water, and reduce the development of winter ice. Some people add alcohol to combine with the water and, at the very least, produce a product that will burn.

Do they operate? The results of the tests are not entirely consistent. However, when they work, they complete crucial tasks. An option is to fill up with ethanol-free petrol before leaving your car for a long time; this is more straightforward in some places than others.

According to spokesperson Sam Schembari, Ford doesn’t have an official position on gasoline stabilizers. Porsche produces one specifically for its vintage vehicles, claiming that the Porsche Classic gasoline Additive dissolves deposits and “forms a protective layer between metal and fuel.” GM supports the ACDelco Fuel System Treatment Plus made by its division.

Here are five best stabilizers for collector and regular automobiles being winterized or summerized.

Sta-Bil Storage Fuel Stabilizer

Best For Long-Term Storage

With some outstanding test findings, Sta-Bil backs up its bold claims that it would keep gasoline fresh for up to two years. The recipe is a trade secret involving an extensively purified petroleum distillate. It doesn’t contain alcohol, the manufacturer claims. You utilize one ounce for every 2.5 gallons of petrol in the tank. All gas engines, including two-cycle models, are compatible with Sta-Bil, which claims to prevent varnish and gum buildup. It is advised by the small engine manufacturer Briggs & Stratton, and variations are designed for marine engines and diesels. Sta-Bil triumphs in this test, which evaluated how much water/ethanol was used and how explosive the resulting mixture became. It also fares relatively well in the face of winter ice accumulation.

Best Fuel Stabilizers of September 2023

Oil by Lucas 10303

Runner-Up for Best

Don’t be scared to purchase Lucas Oil’s 10303 if you’re looking for a solid fuel stabilizer and your neighborhood store is out of Sta-Bil. Lucas Oil is a household brand in petrochemical additives and treatments, and its range of fuel stabilizers and conditioners is regarded as one of the best and most commonly utilized. In addition to lubricating gasoline pumps, carburetor components, and injectors, it is precisely engineered to fight fuel deterioration, particularly with fuels that have been combined with ethanol. One ounce is enough to cure up to one gallon of fuel, according to Lucas Oil, and it comes in 8-ounce, 15-ounce, or single-quart versions.

Best Fuel Stabilizers of September 2023

ACC-FSTAB-PL-32 by Yamaha

Optimal Two-Stroke Motor Fuel Stabilizer

Yamaha developed a specifically designed stabilizer and conditioner to handle all of your two-stroke (and even four-stroke) motor-powered yard equipment and machinery, such as motocross motorcycles and outboard-powered boats. Although it may be used in any gas-powered machine, Yamaha focused primarily on smaller devices when designing its stabilizer. By displacing water, it aids in preventing corrosion inside a fuel system. The most significant part is that one ounce of it may cure up to three gallons thanks to its concentrated recipe.

Best Fuel Stabilizers of September 2023

Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment

Optimal Technical Response

One bottle of this solution is sufficient to treat the gasoline still in the tank of most stored automobiles since it is concentrated; eight ounces is said to treat 48 gallons. It consists of a mixture of exclusive enzymes suspended in fuel. It has been designed for E10 engines. According to the business, it can preserve wasted gasoline for two years, much like Sta-Bil. It prevents phase separation by spreading the accumulated water as submicron-sized droplets throughout the fuel, Lucas Oil Ethanol Fuel Treatment.

Best Fuel Stabilizers of September 2023

Lucas Oil Ethanol Fuel Treatment

For older vehicles, the best fuel stabilizer

There’s a good likelihood that your older car, built before the 1990s, won’t always respond well to today’s ethanol-blended fuel. Depending on the vehicle, some current gasoline mixes have been discovered to corrode old or worn seals in the fuel system of antique engines, mainly if the car is left parked for a long time. Lucas Oil developed its own Ethanol Fuel Treatment to fight the potentially corrosive qualities of today’s ethanol-blended gasoline to address this fuel sensitivity. Additionally, if your vintage car was designed to operate on leaded petrol, it could make it run better. If the typical gas tank size is between 16 and 20 gallons, one 16-ounce bottle will likely last for numerous fill-ups because it can treat up to 80 gallons.

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Question and Answer

How do fuel stabilizers function?

They attempt to chemically slow down oxidation, distribute water into smaller droplets, or combine with absorbed moisture to create an explosive substance. Some also try to avoid the accumulation of ice throughout the winter.

Can I use fuel stabilizers when?

Stabilizer should be added to your last fill-up if you want to store your automobile for many months, especially during the winter. Some drivers frequently utilize specific solutions to achieve a cleaner engine with greater power and improved fuel efficiency. However, gasoline stabilizers and other additives should not be used excessively since doing so might damage exhaust deposits.

How long does fuel stabilization maintain fresh gas?

Sta-Bil and Star Tron guarantee two years of safe storage for some of their goods. That’s significant, particularly in light of the short shelf life of gasoline containing ethanol. According to, “Ethanol-blended gas usually has a shelf life of up to three months because of the high speed at which ethanol oxidizes.”

Can old gas be stabilized using fuel additives? If so, how?

Of course, you can try it, but don’t anticipate success. Most of these items have a disclaimer that they can’t “restore” old fuel. They are defensive. The most you can hope for, according to, is that adding a stabilizer to old gas will halt any further deterioration. Old gas is defined as being at least six months, sometimes even three years old.

Can fuel stabilizers be used on snowblowers, weed eaters, and lawnmowers?

Yes. This is how to apply it: Run the tank until it is empty after the season, then completely refuel with new gas and stabilizer. Alternatively, fill the tank with gasoline without ethanol if you can locate it. Some experts advise adding a fuel stabilizer if ethanol-free petrol will sit for a year or longer. Or purchase ready-to-use gasoline designed for outdoor power equipment, such as the well-known TruFuel, which costs $20–$25 per gallon. TruFuel fuel-only variants and a 50:1 fuel-to-oil combination are available for two-stroke engines. If you still have gasoline left over from the beginning of the season, put it in the tank of a vehicle that is being used rather than being kept; if the fuel is older, particularly if it has been sitting for more than six months, take it to a local hazardous waste recycling event.

Are fuel stabilizers and dry gas the same thing?

The majority of them vary. Fuel stabilizer prevents gasoline from spoiling in a car sitting for at least six months, particularly fuel containing ethanol (E10, E15). An additive that prevents water in the tank or fuel lines from freezing is called “dry gas” in general. (One such product goes by the name Drygas.) Some fuel stabilizers claim they prevent unwelcome water from freezing, like dry gas.


My name is Rami, and I bring a wealth of experience in automotive media to the table. Over the years, I have delved deep into the world of cars, reporting on the intricate buying, selling, and servicing processes for renowned industry publications. My passion doesn't stop there – I am equally devoted to capturing the essence of classic cars through my writing. I derive immense joy from unearthing and narrating the captivating stories of the individuals, trends, and cultures intertwined with these automotive masterpieces. As a lifelong enthusiast, I have rolled up my sleeves and dived into vehicle restoration and maintenance. I have been immersed in everything from the timeless allure of 1960s cars, the quirks of Fiats and MGs, to the cutting-edge technology of modern-day machines. My expertise extends across a broad spectrum of automobiles, and I take great pride in sharing my knowledge with others who share the same zeal for cars. Through my writing, I aim to enrich and inform readers with insightful industry knowledge, captivating narratives, and an unwavering passion for all things automotive. As I continue on this thrilling journey, I am dedicated to not just reporting on cars but also breathing life into the rich tapestry of stories that make the automotive world endlessly fascinating.

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